Noticing #2 – Plantlife

“Whenever human beings encounter plants, two or more worlds (and temporalities) intersect: to accept this axiom is already to let plants maintain their otherness, respecting the uniqueness of their existence” Michael Marder – Plant Thinking 
Vegetal life is our substance.
We reform and ingest the fibres plants weave through their being.
Rays of extra-terrestrial energy woven through ore, space, and time,
Bursting. Constricting. Waving.
Each seed cycle is a resonating chamber, earths memory of itself;
Do we remember plants? Do plants remember us?
Acknowledge a plant – your own, your kith. Care for a plant by acknowledging it.
Tip your hat, take a snap – a new love.
Shake their frond, exchange numbers and call them back “how was your day?”
Check-in, and perhaps you will find-
A new way to ingest them – not breath nor leaf and fruit,
Admiration? Resonation? Intrigue? Concern?
Explore and share with us what you find.
Please try and notice a plant-friend and check in with them. Im sure they have probably had an interesting morning/day/night/life. There are more than enough to chose from, pick (don’t pick) one and share your experience; make a mark, tell a story, present a sound, describe a smell. Use your creativity and share your coalescence.

Post your findings on the AON website, instagram (making sure to add #artsofnoticing hashtag) or on Padlet

Read the introduction to Michael Marder’s book here.

We have a month until the next noticing session and in response to the poll, we will make this exclusively an online experience.


Noticing 1 – No Place Like Home


Note: For the first noticing session please read Tsing’s Arts of Inclusion, or how to love a mushroom” for some inspiration.

On Sunday 26th February:

We will be following the Wizard of Oz call to notice at home (however you define this term) – “If I ever go looking for my heart’s desire again, I won’t look any further than my own back yard”. So, sit yourself down (in night time or day), with a cup of tea if you like (but, if painting, don’t get it mixed up with your painting water) and, from that seated position, wait, and see what/who you notice.

Sit and ‘notice-through-drawing’ (in any medium) whatever catches your attention. It’s up to you how long you stay (and if Sunday doesn’t suit, you are of course welcome to notice on a different day).


We would love to see what you create, if you would like to share it please post to instagram using the hashtag #artsofnoticing (please also tag the artsofnoticing account too!) or post to this padlet board (you don’t need an account).

If you have any questions please get in touch!

Look forward to seeing what you notice!

Tom, Laura, Susie